Wednesday, 22 July 2009

The Start

This morning we collected tens of thousands of nematode worms and infected 48 rats with approximately 500 worms each =O the squealing was a little bit upsetting but the good thing is, the infection won't kill the rats.... we will ='( apparantely we kill them either by CO poisioning (or was it CO2...?), injecting them with a mild anesthetic or other mean ways.... the quickest way according to the professor is actually a quick break of the neck but I think I would never be able to do that, the poor mites.

So today was D-day =P 5 days on, the infections will take place and we will start culturing their poopies, we do 4 kills of 12 rats spread out during the month to dissect their guts *eek* and fingers crossed we will have some nice graphs at the end of this month! I'm rather excited at starting the experiment after 2 weeks of 'training'!!

Mum's coming tomorrow and I have a few days off work so I can actually have some fun and eat some proper food! Lots on this weekend! I have a first aid training day in Cardiff on Saturday and on Sunday I'm officially moving house-ish and will finally have internet back, here's to hoping.... but until then I'm off to a friend's birthday party tonight and am going to be very very sad and go home now to eat and play feeding frenzy 2!!!! w00t! oh aren't I just the most awesomest? ^_~Y


  1. omg rodent homicide! so how have you managed to give them merciful deaths so far?

  2. they die in 12's 4 times so we kill a total of 48 rats BWAHAHAHAHA! I sliced open a kidney today, it was such an adrenaline killer -_-
